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·10 · 20 12 27 中国妇幼保健 年第 卷 妇幼保健院集团化建设的思考 胡祖斌 华中科技大学同济医学院医药卫生管理学院 湖北省妇幼保健院 43007 1 中国图书分类号 R172 文献标识码 C 文章编号 1001-4411 (2012)01-0010-03 【 】 , : 、 、 摘 要 我国医疗保健市场竞争日趋激烈 妇幼保健机构面临双重压力的考验 一方面其本身存在着投资少 规模小 、 、 ; , , 设备落后 人才技术缺乏 先天禀赋不足的问题 另一方面医疗机构的迅猛发展和扩张 对市场空间的挤占 使得它更显得弱 。 , , 。 小和单薄 为了寻求生存和发展 适应市场的竞争 妇幼保健机构应该走集团化发展的道路 此研究分析了妇幼保健机构面临 , , 。 的形势 提出了走集团化发展道路的优势 并就如何推进妇幼保健机构集团化建设提出了设想 【 】 关键词 妇幼保健院 集团化 建设 Thoughts about group construction of maternal and child health hospitals H U Zu - Bin. School of Medicine and Health Management ,Tongj i Hosp ital Aff iliated to Tongj i Medical College ,Hua- zhong University of Science and Technology ,Hubei Maternal and Child Health Hosp ital ,Wuhan 430030 ,Hubei ,China 〔Abstract 〕The competition in medical health care market becomes fierce with each passing day ,the maternal and child health institu- tions face double tests :On the one hand ,they have the disadvantages of less investment ,small scale ,outdated facilities ,a lack of talent and technology and inadequate congenital endowment ;on the other hand ,the rapid development and expansion of the medical institutions squeeze the market space and make the maternal and child health institutions seem more weaker and smaller. In order to seek for survival and develop- ment ,the maternal and child health institutions should take the road of collectivization development to adapt to the market competition. The article analyzed the situation that the maternal and child health institutions faced ,prese


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