
孤独星球 荷兰 Lonely Planet The Netherlands 2013旅游攻略.pdf

孤独星球 荷兰 Lonely Planet The Netherlands 2013旅游攻略.pdf

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孤独星球 荷兰 Lonely Planet The Netherlands 2013旅游攻略.pdf

TABLE OF CONTENTS Netherlands Cover How to Use This Guide Netherlands Map PLAN YOUR TRIP ON THE ROAD UNDERSTAND NETHERLANDS SURVIVAL GUIDE Behind the Scenes Icons Legend Our Writers GETTING THE MOST OUT OF LONELY PLANET MAPS E-reader devices vary in their ability to show our maps. To get the most out of the maps in this guide, use the zoom function on your device. Or, visit http :///ebookmaps and grab a PDF download or print out all the maps in this guide. Plan Your Trip Welcome to the Netherlands Top Experiences Need to Know Whats New If You Like... Month by Month Itineraries Cycling in the Netherlands Travel with Children Regions at a Glance Top of section welcome to the Netherlands Discover the many secrets of this gently beautif ul country and its masterp ieces, canal towns and windmills. Revel in the welcoming y et wry culture at a caf e, then bike p ast f ields of tulip s. Windmills, Kinderdijk, near Rotterdam ( Click here ) WOUTER VAN DEN HEUVEL PHOTOGRAPHY/GETTY IMAGES © Art Icons In the world of art the Netherlands has given us Rembrandt and Van Gogh. Sure, there’s also Frans Hals, Hieronymus Bosch and Piet Mondrian – but when you ’ve got the first two, why mention the rest? (OK that Vermeer guy, he’s big…). Then there are icons: classic windmills, the ultimate green machines that are back in vogue a century after the Dutch used these twirling beasties to pump the country dry. Clogs? Renewable. Affordable. Floatable (if the dykes break). Tulips? The Dutch have made a fortune from little bulbs that go in the ground, then burst forth with beauty that is universally loved. Big in Size Spirit The Dutch themselves seem oversized (actually they are statistically the tallest nationality on the planet.) Gregariousness, thrift, good sense and wry humour ar


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