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高中英语单元背诵 Unit 15 Learning I. 单元必背短语 Lesson 1 Living in a community 1.除 ... 以外 aside from=except for Everything is quiet aside from the occasional sound of a car in the distance. 除了远处偶尔的汽车声响外,四周一片寂静。 Aside from his meager savings, he has no resources to fall back on. 除了极少量的积蓄外,他没有可以依赖的财源。 aside from =in addition to Aside from motorcars, the factory turns out bicycles. 除了汽车之外,这家工厂还生产自行车。 Aside from being fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill. 除了有趣与运动外,游泳还是个很有用的技能。 2. lay off workers 暂时解雇(工人) The factory had to lay off fifty workers. 工厂必须暂时解雇五十名工人。 I think that getting laid off will prove to be the best thing that ever happened to me. 我想被解雇最终可能是对我最好的事了。 laid- off workers 下岗工人 Lesson 2 3. to some extent To some extent, I can understand their attitude. 我在某种程度上是能够理解他们的态度的。 To some extent, you are right. 从某种程度来说,你是对的。 4. Be reflected in 在 中被反映出 Increased sales were reflected in higher profits.销售量的增加在更高的利润中得到反映。 After all, the actual increase in will be reflected in the standard of living. GDP的实际增长最终要体现到人民生活水平上。 5. Reputation for/of /as 好名声, 声誉 This store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing. 这家商店因公平交易而获好名声。 Americans have the reputation of being very hospitable people. 美国人有非常好客的美誉。 His reputation as a writer depends more on quantity than quality, ie He writes a lot but he doesnt write very well. 他获得作家的名气靠的是作品的数量而不是质量. Earn/gain/establish a reputation as something His approach had won him a reputation as a tough manager. 作为经理,他的办事方法使他以强硬著称。 We have gained the reputation as a peacemaker in the world. 在世界上,我们赢得了和平使者的声誉。 6. Obey an order/command / the law/rules Soldiers are expected to obey orders without questioning them. 军人必须服从命令。 There is no time to explain. You have to obey the command. 没有时间解释,你得服从命令 7. Select somebody/ something as something We selected Lily as our monitor. 我们选李莉做班长。 Select somebody/something from something They selected the winner from six finalists. 他们从参加决赛的6名选手中选出了获胜者。 Select somebody to do som


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