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吉大17春学期《旅游英语(一)》在线作业一 一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。) 1. For the limited-capacity tour programs, the use of _____ is a convenient way to reduce cost. A. shell folders B. umbrella brochures C. regular tour brochures D. booklets 正确答案: 2. In 1995, an average of _______ of domestic travelers went on sightseeing in China. A. 52.4% B. 54.2% C. 56.4% D. 54.6% 正确答案: 3. This region lies on the sub-tropical zone , with a _______of 1,500 mm. A. precipitation B. temperature C. moisture D. latitude 正确答案: 4. The role of _______ is essential to tourism development. A. nature B. resources C. civilization D. nation 正确答案: 5. As a result of the war, their old life styles began to _______ . A. float B. preside C. incline D. vanish 正确答案: 6. .However,other travel agents have recognized that the technological revolution will affect their business to agreater extent than almost ________ . A. otherindustry B. anyotherindustry C. other industries D. any otherindustries 正确答案: 7. The hand-knitted imperial crown is very_______indeed. A. wasteful B. delicate C. impressed D. valid 正确答案: 8. According to Maslows need theory,______. A. lower needs and higher needs should be satisfied after an individual travels B. higher level needs take more efforts to fulfill C. an individual is motivated to travel after he has lower and higher needs D. lower needs should be satisfied before higher level ne 正确答案: 9. Business travel is greatly influencedby businessrelated attractions suchas________. A. conferencesand exhibitions B. inelastic prices C. big-city orientations D. executive’s needs 正确答案: 10. It’s said that the 2008 Olympic Games ___ to August when it is slightly cooler, but it’s not decided. A. will be held B. may be moved C. will put off D. may hold 正确答案: 11. The winning of the 2010 World Expo is the happiest thing, ___ for Shanghai residents(居民), ___ for the people of the whole Chinese nation. A. neither…nor B. too…to C. not…but D. not only…but also 正确答案: 12. In 1995 China ranked ______ in the w


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