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Unit Two Section 1 Tactics for Listening Part 1 Phonetics Exercise: Complete the following short dialogue as you listen to the tape~ Pay special attention to the weak forms, link-ups and contractions. Woman: Good evening. Man: Good evening. Can you ( 1 ) make up this prescription, please? Woman: Certainly. (2) Would you like to wait? Man: How long (3) will it take? Woman: (4)Itll be ready in twenty minutes. Man: Oh, (5) Ill come back later. Woman: All right, sir, Man: (6) Shall I pay now or later? Woman: (7) Laterll be all right. Part 2 Listening and Note-taking Man: Excuse me. How can I get to the station please? Woman: The station, the station, the station ...let me see. Ah, yes. You can go down ... no. Go straight on until you come to a cinema. Lets see now-- thats the second turn on your right. The cinemas on the corner. Turn right at the cinema and youll be in Bridge Street. I think its Bridge Street. Go along Bridge Street for a few minutes and then take the second -- no, not the second, the first, thats fight, the first turning. On your left. The station is straight ahead, right in front of you. Man: So thats second right and first left. Thank you very much. Thats very kind of you. Woman: Dont mention it. Exercise A: Listen to the conversation and take notes. Exercise B: Use the information from your notes to mark the places and streets mentioned in the conversation on the sketch map. Section 2 Listening Comprehension Part 1 Dialogue Dialogue 1 where did you living now? Interviewer: You say you moved out of London five years ago? Alistair: Yes, I did. I lived in Hampstead*. Interviewer: Thats very close to the centre, isnt it? Alistair: Yes, quite close. 1 went to work by bicycle -- I worked in Oxford Street. It took about half an hour. Interviewer: And why did you move? Did you change jobs? Alistair: Well, yes, I did. I worked for an advertising agency then. Now I work for a newspaper. But that isnt the reason. I moved because


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