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江苏省泗阳致远中学高一期末复习M3U3 命题人:李海云 校对人:杨必胜 2011-6-24 一.短语练习 1成为废墟 处于坏的状态 赢得一份名额贯穿 城市的中心 3 对……有害 成为废墟 纪念 起义,反抗 阻碍某人0对…宣战 对某人不幸的是 意识到 因而受审 对…感到厌烦 置于政府的保护之下 观察我们周围世界的一方法 将某人告上法庭 对有深远的影响 1受够了某人 判某人死刑 在许多的情况下 被活埋 埋头于,陷于结果是 导致 28作为……而出名 砍到29安排某人做某事 在雨天踏进泥地30很难想象单词拼写 Many famous buildings such as the Great Wall and the Summer Place can represent the ancient c___________ of China. The garden that was once so beautiful was d___________ in the flood. He grew up in a w___________ family, so he knows nothing about the life of the poor. The __________(残留物) of lunch were still on the table. He committed the crime under the __________(影响) of a strong passion. 7 _______________(不幸地), Karen got seriously injured in a car accident on her way home. 8 I work for a _____________(商业的) radio station 9 The local government has decided to raise a m____________ in honor of the dead. 10 The group of students from Britain will attend a l______________ about the Potala Palace in China next week. 11 Since the law of wildlife protection came into effect, the number of the milu deer has grown g________________ year by year. 12 One of the ways to reduce waste is to buy products made of recycled m__________. 13 The time bomb e___________ , but nobody was injured 14 The little girl enjoyed feeling the warm sand ________ 在。。。下面 her feet 15 His French r___________ very poor ,for he didn’t work hard at it 16 Thank you for being such a good _______( 观众) 17 After hearing so many c____ form the public ,the government decided to stop the plan 18 President Hu jingtao was invited to attend the opening c____ of the 100th anniversary of the Qinghua University 三.单项选择 1 Mr. White, along with his assistants, ______ on the project day and night to meet the deadline. A. work B. working C. is working D. are working 2 When I called at his home the other day, I found him sitting on an armchair,________ in hi


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