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英文选择 2012年9月14 日 22:04 一、选择题:(在A、B、C、D 、E五个备选答案中,选一最佳答案。每题 1分,共20分) 1.Which of the following statement one is not true ? ( ) A. the inferior mesenteric artery arises from the abdominal aorta, opposite the third lumbar vertebrae B. the superior rectal 直肠上动脉artery arises from the internal iliac artery非髂内动脉,为肠系膜下动 脉 C. the middle colic artery anastomoses with the right and left colic arteries D. the short gastric arteries are from the splenic artery E. the right gastric artery is from the right gastroepiploicartery 2.Which structure can ’t be found in the submandibular triangle ? ( ) A. the lingual artery and nerve B. the hypoglossal nerve C. the facial artery D. the vagus nerve 迷走N E. the submandibular ganglion 3. About 4 cm below the umbilicus , the posterior surface of the rectus abdominis rests directly on ( ) A. the posterior layer ofthe sheath of rectus abdominis B. the transversesabdominis C. the transverse fascia 腹横筋膜 D. the extraperitoneal fascia E. the parietal peritoneum 4.The following structures belong to sternocleidomastoid region is :( ) A. the thyroid gland B. the ansa cervicalis 颈袢 C. the facial artery D. the vertebral artery E. the trachea 5.The superiormesenteric肠系膜下artery gives off the following branches, except the :( ) A. ileal artery B. ileocolic artery C.jejunal artery D. splenic artery E. middle colic artery 6.Which of the following doesn’t belong to the tributary属支of the inferior vena cava ?( ) A. renal vein B. hepatic vein C.right testicular vein D. right suprarenal vein E. hepatic portal vein 7. From the front backward ,the order of the structures in the renal pedicle 肾蒂前向后is :( ) A. renal vein, renal artery, renal pelvis B. renal artery, renal vein, renal pelvis C. renal pelvis, renal vein, renal artery D. renal vein, renal pelvis, renal artery E. renal artery, renal pelvis, renal


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