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1998 10 19 5 # 263 # 万康林 张哲夫 窦桂兰 侯学霞 王宏英 张金声 朱桂凤 ) ) ) , , , , BSK , ( ECM ) 20 ( ) 17 000, 2 8 23 , , , 9 , , 20. 00% ~ 45. 00% 16. 00% ~ 40. 00% 24. 00% 8 108 , B , H 31 6831 , ECM ; , Investigation on Primary Vectors of Borrelia Burgdorferi in China Wan K anglin, Zhang Zhef u, Dou Guilan, et al. Institute of Ep idemiology and Microbiology, ChineseA cademy of roventive Medicine, Beij ing 102206 Abstract From 1987 to 1997, prim ry vectors of borreli burgdorferi sensu l to ( B. b. s. l. ) w ere investig ted in Chin . A tot l number of 17 000 ticks collected from 20 provinces, city nd utonomous region were cl ssified, including 2 f milies 8 genus 23 species. There were 108 isol tes of B. b. s. l. discovered from 8 species of ticks , including Ixodes persulc tus, I . gr nul tus, I . cutit rsus, H em phys lis concinn , H. longicornis, H. bispinosis, H. corniger t iw n nd Derm centor silv rum. Ixodes persulc tus w s found s the domin nt species, ccounted for more th n 80% of the tot l number of collected ticks. 20 to 45 per cent dult Ixodes persulc tus cont ined spirochetes s determined by direct immunofluorescence in the northe st nd northw est re s. Se son l ch nge of dult Ixodes persulc tus w s coincident w ith p tients w ith erythem chronicum migr ns. These studies proved th t Ixodes persulc tus pl yed le ding role in the tr nsmission of B. b. s. l. to hum n being in northern region of Chin . H em phys lis bispinosis nd Ixodes gr nul tus w ere identified s the domin nt species with 16 to 40 per cent dult H em phys lis bispinosis nd 24% per cent dult I


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