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Both spring and youth are very short with us. After spring goes away, another will come again. But if youth goes away, it will never return. You can never stop the coming of summer, and neither can you stop being older. But if spring is in your heart, you will stay in spring, even when it is winter. If you keep your heart young, you will stay young, whether you are 20 or 80, whether you are able- bodied or disabled. Like spring, youth is by all means worth treasuring. 余凌昊 (2007高考作文) I prefer my English classes to be taught in English only. As is known ,the advantages of that are too many to be listed. To begin with, it helps us develop the skills of listening and speaking. Additionally, the English atmosphere can be well created to raise our interest, which will undoubtedly exert profound positive effects on our English learning. In spite of what has been talked above, we have to take into account the disadvantage that its hard for us to understand. The advantages, however, still far outweigh its disadvantages. * Experimenting with NSEC 杭州外国语学校 沈玉荣 (杭州学军中学) What is new with NSEC? 2. Should we abandon the old way of teaching or to what extent should we adjust ourselves? The puzzles at the beginning The struggles soon afterwards A rethink Contents I. About the curriculum II. About NSEC III. About the principles of classroom teaching design IV. About the result I. About the curriculum 五大目标体系 (知识,技能,情态,文化,策略) 2. 综合运用语言的能力 3. 自主学习,合作学习 4. 创新精神和独立解决问题的能力 5. 祖国视野,国际视野 II. About NSEC 综合法:话题-结构-功能-任务 2. 以“生”文本,符合高中生的认知和发 展的需要,兼顾学生的兴趣爱好 3. 主题内容丰富,关注情感,强调人文 素养的培养 4. 挑战传统教学方法,促进教师的发展 5. 资源丰富,选择余地大;评价进过程 III. About the principles of classroom teaching design 1. 综合性 2. 灵活性 3. 学力性 4. 联系性 5. 欣赏性 1. 综合性 语言知识 语言技能 文化意识 学习略策 情感态度 (Unit 5,Book 3) Follow the travel route and find the cities or areas they tr


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