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假如数据文件data.txt中内容如下:# x ???y ???f(X,Y)0.1????0.1?????10.2????0.2?????3.50.3????0.3?????2.7...则f(X,Y)的图形可如下绘制:在gnuplot console中使用command:splot data.txt若要设定x和y的范围:splot [xi,xf] [yi,yf] data.txt若要画colorful contour map:set pm3d mapsplot [xi,xf] [yi,yf] data.txt设定 x axis 显示的significant digit 为小数点后第10位set format x %1.10f同理可设置 y axis设定 x axis tics 的间距为0.1:set xtics 0.1存为彩色eps图,图名为img.eps:set terminal postscript eps color enhancedset output img.epsreplot1. 输出格式
gnuplot set terminal x11 %输出到屏幕(Linux)
gnuplot set terminal postscript portrait noenhanced monochrome blacktext \
dashed dashlength 1.0 linewidth 1.0 defaultplex \
palfuncparam 2000,0.003 \
butt Helvetica 14
gnuplot set output test.ps %输出到PS文件, 以便插入到LaTeX文件中.
gnuplot set terminal png small color picsize 640 480
gnuplot set output test.png %输出到图像文件, 以便插入到html文件中.
2. 基本绘图命令
gnuplot plot test2d.dat with lines %绘制曲线图(二维图形)
gnuplot splot test3d.dat with lines %绘制曲面图(三维图形)
test2d.dat 中的数据为两列, 第一列对应横坐标, 第二列为纵坐标(函数值)
test3d.dat 中的数据为三列, 第一,二列对应坐标, 第三列为纵坐标(函数值),
x1 y1 z11
x1 y2 z12
x1 y3 z13
x2 y1 z11
x2 y2 z12
x2 y3 z13
x3 y1 z11
x3 y2 z12
x3 y3 z13
gnuplot unset surface %不绘制表面图
gnuplot set contour %绘制等值线图
gnuplot set cntrparam levels discrete .1,1/exp(1),.9 %定制等值线
gnuplot set cntrparam levels auto 5
gnuplot set view 0,0
3. 一些例子
set hidden3d; set ticslevel 0; set parametric
set isosamples 28,14
set urange [0:2*pi]; set vrange [-pi:pi]
set size 0.8,1; set view 60,20,1,1
set ticslevel 0
splot cos(u)+.5*cos(u)*cos(v),sin(u)+.5*sin(u)*cos(v),.5*sin(v), \
1+cos(u)+.5*cos(u)*cos(v), .5*sin(v), sin(u)+.5*sin(u)*cos(v)
set term table
set out tori.table
!gnuconvf -s 200 -i tori.table -o tori.ppm -r 0.85 -X50 -Y-100 -Z50
!convert -transparency black tori.ppm tori.jpg
set samples 36
set isosample 36,36
set hidden3d
set ticslevel 0
splot sin(x)*sin(y)/x/y
set term table
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