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# # 486 2009, Vo.l 33, No. 11 2009年第33卷 第11期 第 486页 Prog ress in Pharma ceu tica l Sciences do:i 10. 3969/ .j issn. 1001- 509 . 2009. 11. 001 生物信息学方法在判断 DNA 结合蛋白质 和预测结合位点中的应用 1 2 2 2 1 1* 刘子朋 , 章宏九, 李雅晴 , 朱云蛟, 胡 健 , 方慧生 ( 1. 中国药科大学生命科学与技术学院, 江苏 南 210009; 2. 中国药科大学药学院, 江苏 南 210009) [ ] DNA DNA , DNA DNA , , [ ] ; -DNA ; DNA; [ ] Q 513 [] A [ ] 1001- 509 ( 2009) 11- 0 86- 05 T he A pp lication of B io informatica lMethod in D istinguish ing the DNA-b ind ing P rote in and P red ic ting the B ind ing S ite in P rote in-DNA Interface 1 2 2 2 LIU Zi-peng , ZHANG H ong-jiu , LIYa-q ing , ZHU Yun-jiao, 1 1 HU Jian , FANG Hui-sheng (1. School of Lfi e Science and Technology, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanj ing 21 9, China; 2. School of Pharmacy, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanj ing 21 9, China) [Ab stract] The research progress in application of bioinformaticalm ethod in distingu ishing the DNA- b inding protein from the other proteins and pred icting the b ind ing sites bewt een DNA and protein w as review ed. Genetic regulation is completed by protein-DNA interaction and therefore how to d istingu ish DNA-binding protein from the other proteins and further predict the b ind ing sites betw een protein and DNA is awl ays the frontier field in the molecu lar b iology and b ioinformatics. In this field, bioinform atical method wh


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