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Ceramic Materials — Applications and Processing Classification of Ceramic Materials on the Basis of Application Glass 玻璃 Clay product 黏土製品 Refractory 耐火材料 (Refractory Ceramic 耐火陶瓷) Abrasive 磨料、研磨料、研磨劑 Cement 水泥 Advanced Ceramic 精密陶瓷材料、尖端陶瓷材料 Glass 玻璃 Glass Glass-ceramics 玻璃陶瓷 Crystallization 結晶 Clay product 黏土製品 Structural clay product 結構黏土製品 Brick 磚 Tile 瓷磚、瓦 Sewer pipe 污水管 Whiteware 白陶瓷品 firing 燒製、燒成 porcelain 瓷 pottery 陶器 tableware 餐具 china 瓷器 plumbing fixture (sanitary ware) 衛生器具 Refractory Ceramic 耐火陶瓷 Thermal Insulation 絕熱 furnace lining 爐襯 Fireclay Refractory 火黏土耐火材料 Silica Refractory 矽石耐火材料 (Acid Refractory 酸性耐火材料) slag 熔渣 Basic Refractory 鹼性耐火材料 periclase 方鎂石 Special Refractory 特殊耐火材料 Abrasive Ceramic 研磨陶瓷 Diamond 鑽石、金剛石 Silicon carbide 碳化矽 Tungsten carbide 碳化鎢 Aluminum oxide (corundum 剛玉) Silica sand 矽砂 Cement 水泥 Cement 水泥 calcination 煆燒 clinker 熟料、燒塊 gypsum 石膏 portland cement 波特蘭水泥 hydration 水合作用 Plaster of paris 熟石膏 Lime 石灰 Advanced Ceramic 精密陶瓷材料、尖端陶瓷材料 Electrical, magnetic, and optical properties Fabrication and Processing of Ceramics Glass forming processes pressing 壓製 blowing 吹製 drawing 拉製、抽製 fiber forming Particulate forming processes Cementation 膠結 Specific Volume versus Temperature specific volume 比容 supercool 過冷 Tg glass transition temperature 玻璃轉變溫度 fictive temperature 虛擬溫度 Viscosity versus Temperature Melting point 熔點 Viscosity: 10 Pa-s Working point 加工點、工作點 Viscosity: 103 Pa-s Softening point 軟化點 Viscosity: 4 ? 106 Pa-s Annealing point 徐冷點、退火點 Viscosity: 1012 Pa-s Strain point 應變點 Viscosity: 3 ? 1013 Pa-s Drawing of sheet glass Annealing 徐冷、退火 Thermal stress 熱應力 Thermal shock 熱震 Thermal Tempering 熱回火、熱徐冷 Fabrication and Processing of Clay Products hydroplasticity 液壓塑性、水塑性 aluminosilicate 鋁矽酸鹽 porcelain 瓷 clay 黏土 (50%) quartz 石英(25%) feldspar 長石 (25%) Slip Casting 滑鑄、泥漿鑄造法、注漿成型 Power Pressing Tape Casting * *


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