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常见符号及化学式的读法 化工学院 李 涛 一、常见符号的读法 + plus positive - minus negative ± plus or minus * be multiplied by times / be divided by over = equals (be equal to) is greater than larger than less than smaller than ≥ greater than or equal to ≤ less than or equal to ≠ do not equal / per ≌∽ be approximately equal to ≡ be equivalent to ∝ be proportional to → yield produce result in ↔ reacts inversely lognX log X to the base n log10X log X to the base 10 common logarithm logeX log X to the base e natural logarithm b1 b sub 1 F(x) function F of x b’ b prime b double prime ; b second prime b triple prime dx differential x; dee x dee of x dy/dx the first derivative of y with respect to x the n-th derivative of y with respect to x ∂y/∂u the partial derivative of y with respect to u Xn the nth power of x x to the power n X2 x square the square of x X3 x cube the cube of x y-10 y to the minus tenth ( power ) ℃ degree Centigrade 100 degrees Centigrade 30 degrees below zero Centigrade ℉ degree Fahrenheit 100 degrees Fahrenheit 常用希腊字母 α alpha β beta γgamma δ delta ε epsilon η eta θtheta μ mu ν nu ξ xi ρ rho υ upsilon λ lambda π pi φ phi ψ psi σ sigma ω omega ζ zeta 二、化学分子式和方程式读法 化工科技人员在查阅文献时必然会遇到化学分子式和方程式。会认这些分子式和方程式并不难,但在一定特定场合需要用英文来读(或讲)这些分子式和方程式。 下面拟介绍在讲课和宣读论文时怎样用英文读化学分子式和方程式。(这里仅就一般情况加以介绍)。 凡英语字母,不论大小写都读英文字母名称的读音,如Aa读[ei];Bb读[bi:];Cc读[si:]等等。 凡数字般读one,two,three,four等。 如K2SO4读成K-two-S-O-four。 但紧跟在圆括号后右下方的数目字则读成twice,three times,four times等。 符号的读法 + 读成plus -读成minus ( )读成round brackets or brackets, 在化学分子式中遇到圆括号往往可不读,而把前后括号用pause表示; 也可把它的前括号读成open bracket(s),后括号读成close bracket(s); 或者在先读了括号里的符号后,再读in brackets。 例如(OH)2可有三种读法: pause-O-H-pause-twice open beacket-O-H-close bracket



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