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C套52元返哺之恩宴 母子连心 :寓意母子情深,心心相连! Mother and son to heart 凉拌木耳:愿母亲有一头乌黑的头发 A fungus 西芹百合炒虾仁:愿母亲幸福快乐,一切顺利 Shrimp with lily fried celery 杨枝甘露:母爱就如同这丝丝甘露,浇灌着孩子 Chilled Mango Sago cream with pomelo 送康乃馨一束 * 感恩特别套餐 A套62元恩重如山宴 拔丝山药(慈母手中线) 干烧黄鱼(游子身上衣) 烩乌鱼蛋(临行密密缝) 脆皮乳鸽(意恐迟迟归) 香菇菜心(谁言寸草心) 三不粘(报得三春晖) A thread is in my fond mothers hand moving. For her son to wear the clothes ere leaving. With her whole heart shes sewing and sewing. For fear Ill eer be roving and roving. Who says the little soul of grass waving. Could for the warmth repay the sun of spring. 送康乃馨一束 B套52元恩逾慈母宴 苦瓜镶肉:代表着苦尽甘来 Bitter melon with meat 五彩土豆泥:代表着我会努力工作孝顺他们 Multicolored mashed potatoes 浓情鸡翼:代表着我们生活到处都充满着爱 Sweet chicken wing 冬瓜排骨汤:代表着生活虽平淡但却很滋润 Winter melon spareribs soup 送康乃馨一束 D套92元母爱如天宴 英国Cottage Pie :农庄馅饼, 代表平凡中的壮举,平易近人 The UK Cottage Pie 意大利面:一点新鲜, 代表一个意外的惊喜 Italy noodles 日式煎饼:忆苦与感恩,代表最真实得妈妈味道 ? Japanese pancakes 西班牙海鲜饭:回馈妈妈的爱,代表朴实和智慧 Paella 越南米粉:代表感恩妈妈得勤劳 Vietnamese rice noodle 美国Cupcake:像妈妈“贿赂”我们那样 ,代表回忆过去的美好 The United States of America Cupcake 送康乃馨一束 拔丝山药(慈母手中线) A thread is in my fond mothers hand moving. 干烧黄鱼(游子身上衣) For her son to wear the clothes ere leaving. 烩乌鱼蛋(临行密密缝) With her whole heart shes sewing and sewing 脆 皮 乳 鸽 意 恐 迟 迟 归 For fear Ill e‘er be roving and roving. 香菇菜心(谁言寸草心) Who says the little soul of grass waving 三不粘(报得三春晖) Could for the warmth repay the sun of spring. 苦 瓜 镶 肉 Bitter melon with meat 五彩土豆泥 Multicolored mashed potatoes 浓情鸡翼 Sweet chicken wing 冬瓜排骨汤 Winter melon spareribs soup Mother and son to heart 凉拌木耳 A fungus 西芹百合炒虾仁


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