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火锅(hot pot)是中国的传统饮食方式之一,拥有几千年的历史。在寒冷的冬天,人们軎欢吃能立即暖身和提神的火锅。如今在许多现代家庭里,用煤炭加热的(coal-heated)传统火锅已经被电磁炉(induction cooker)火锅所取代。各地火锅风格各异,所使用的火锅原料也不尽相同。-般来说,用于火锅的肉类包括猪肉、牛肉、鸡肉、鸭肉等,其他的菜则包括蔬菜、蘑菇、面条等。 With a history of several thousand years, hot pot is one of the traditional Chinese diets. In the cold winter, people like to eat the hot pot that instantly warms their bodies and lifts their spirits. Today in many modern homes, the traditional coal-heated hot pots have been replaced by induction cookers. Hot pot styles and ingredients vary from region to region in China. Generally, the common meats used include pork, beef, chicken, duck and others, while other hot pot dishes are vegetables, mushrooms, noodles, etc. 中国人每天都在使用筷子(chopsticks),这在很多外酬友眼里似乎是一个奇迹。历史记载表明筷子的使用已有3000年的历史。在古代,富人用金子制成筷子以显示其富有。筷子还有其他功能,比如过去人们用银制的筷子检查他们的食物是否被人投了毒。现在,许多外国朋友在访问中国的时候都使用筷子。据说,尼克松(Nixon)总统到中国访问时,在欢迎宴会上也使用了筷子。 Chinese people use chopsticks every day, which seems a wonder to many foreigners. Historical records show that the use of chopsticks dates back to three thousand years ago. In ancient times, the rich used gold chopsticks to display their wealth. Chopsticks have many other functions as well. In the past, for example, people used silver chopsticks to see if their food was poisoned. Nowadays many foreign friends try to use chopsticks when they visit China. Its said that President Nixon also used chopsticks at the welcoming banquet when he visited China. 中国文化中,一个家庭或一个组织中最年长的人享有最多的尊敬、荣誉和尊严。对家庭女性而言,最高辈分的长媳比其余的媳妇和儿媳(daughter-in-law)更有权力。年轻人会称呼年长的人“爷爷”、“奶奶”、“叔叔”和“婶婶”以示尊重,即使和那个人没有血缘关系(blood lineage)。中国人坚持的一个传统就是当父母上年纪时候要一直亲自照顾他们In Chinese culture, the oldest person in a family or an organization has the most respect, honor, and dignity. For family ladies, the first elder wife holds more power than the next wives and daughters-in-law. The young people will call an older person “Ye Ye” (grandfather), “Nai Nai” (grandmother), “Shu Shu”(uncle), and “Shen Shen”(aunt) as a sign of respect even if there is no


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