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If Only script Im really going to miss you, you know that? Sam, just couple of weeks. Which is gonna seem like an eternity, right? An eternity, and then some. Oh, its better, you bloody englishman. - Say it again. - Say what? I love hearing you use english swear words. Say bloody. Bloody. - Say bugger, - Bugger. You bugger, you bloody bugger. Thats the word. - Oh, crap. - Oh, you smooth talker, you. I have to get dressed, run through my notes, rehearse my presentation. Have a nervous breakdown, ignore your half-naked girlfriend. Give me two seconds. Just stay right there and dont move your cute British butt. - Dont tell me, theres a gift. - Theres a gift. Theres always a gift. It makes me feel very guilty. Well, that is the general idea. I have a present, too. Ill give it to you later because its a surprise. Great. I love surprises. - Its perfect. - I know. Vintage Portobello Road, its only ten pounds. And it does come with this. Nice lining, silk. What? I have to get ready, you know how important this meeting is. If it goes well, you know what that you could mean. Ian... Sam, please have mercy. You know, thats what I was thinking, that after you close the deal and knock them dead... it would be a perfect time to step back, relax, and... - And? - And go to Ohio. I want you to go to my moms wedding with me. You can meet everyone. Youre not coming? I tried to free things up but you know how hectic works been. Im really sorry. Thats okay. Look, Im really sorry to let you down about Indiana. Ohio. Bugger, Im sorry, again. Im just going to have to meet your mom at the next wedding. What wedding? Ours. Next year. Me? Marry you? A guy who confuses the buckeye state with the hoosier state? I dont think so. - Im going to take a shower now. - Be my guest. Sam? I am cool. Ready for breakfast? Bon appetite. Hey, I dont care how big this meeting is. You are going to eat. Sorry, theres no time. Aw, Im such a klutz. Show me. -


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