2017高考英语一轮复习构想 Module 6 The Tang Poems课时作业 外研版选修8.doc

2017高考英语一轮复习构想 Module 6 The Tang Poems课时作业 外研版选修8.doc

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 Module 6 The Tang Poems 一、单元跟踪过关 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.Jack learns that he needs friends to_share(share) happiness and sorrow. 2.If my plan isnt approved of by the committee, all my work will have been wasted. 3.He is a very cautious(caution) man;he always thinks carefully before he makes a decision. 4.The company has developed to cater for the needs of different customers. 5.Ive been looking forward to making your acquaintance(acquaint) for a long time. 6.I have corresponded with a foreign friend and we write to each other once a month. 7.A true gentleman is strict with himself and tolerant(tolerate) with others. 8.With the reform and opening policy carried out,China has taken on a new look. 9.He failed in the exam again. If only he had_worked(work) harder. 10.It has_been_proved(prove) that taking exercise regularly does good to ones health. Ⅱ.单句改错 1.We dont think the experiment is failure. At least we have gained experience for future success. failure前加a 2.Whether you vote for nor against the plan doesnt seem to matter very much. nor改为or 3.With the help of computers, people can share information each other. information后加with 4.Her father approved her going to the west and working as a teacher in a poor mountain village. approved后加of 5.While watch TV, children do not merely absorb words and images. watch改为watching 6.Im feeling much better now, so you mustnt call the doctor. mustnt改为neednt 7.Last night I worked late into the night, prepared a report for the meeting. prepared改为preparing 8.Yesterday morning I was surprising to hear that my friend Allen had been hit by a car and was in hospital. surprising改为surprised 9.A passenger realized he couldnt find his ticket but became quite upset. but改为and 10.He must completed his work; otherwise, he wouldnt be enjoying himself by the seaside. must后加have Ⅲ.完成句子 1.你能抓住那根绳子吗? Can you take_hold_of the rope? 2.现在,很多孩子对计算机游戏上瘾。 Now, many children are_addicted_to computer games. 3.成功与勤奋是密切相关的。 Success and diligence always go hand_in_hand. 4.这



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