【全国用】2018年高考英语总复习 微专题训练 第33练 新闻媒体【三】.doc

【全国用】2018年高考英语总复习 微专题训练 第33练 新闻媒体【三】.doc

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第33练 新闻媒体(三) 高考高频单词与短语识记排查 单词识记: manner   attend    attitude    media mention murder occupation postpone prejudice principle react routine contrary convey statement submit urgent violate conference confirm 短语扫描: keep up with跟上 keep pace with跟上……的速度 meet with遭遇 make joint efforts 做出共同努力 in general 大体;通常 make an appointment约会 offer job opportunities提供就业机会 tell the truth说出真相 pick up发看,收听 cover up掩饰;掩盖 [跟踪训练] 在空格处填入适当的词(1个单词)或所给词的正确形式 1.I think it’s the height of bad ________(manner) to be dressed badly. 2.The police have searched the city for the ________(murder). 3.The match ______________(postpone) without day. 4.He spoke proudly of his part in the game,without ________(mention) what his teammates had done. 5.The spokesman ________(confirm) that the area was now in rebel hands. 6.He studies hard to keep up ________ his classmates. 7.She cannot be relied on to tell ________ truth. 8.________ general,physics is only one science among many. 9.________ is reported that 300 million people in China have eyesight trouble. 10.He suspects that there are some leaders to cover ________ the crime.知识运用与写作能力专练 Ⅰ.语法填空 (2017·甘肃会宁一中月考) One day,an elderly teacher,with a pupil by his side,took a walk through a forest.Suddenly he 1.________(stop) and pointed to four plants close at hand.The first was just beginning to appear slowly above the ground,the second had rooted itself pretty well into the earth,the third was a small short tree,while the fourth was 2.________ full-sized tree.The tutor said to his young 3.________(company),“Pull up the first plant.” The boy did so eagerly,4.________(use) only his fingers. “Now pull up the second.”The youth obeyed 5.________ found that the task was 6.______________(difficult). “Do the same 7.________ the third,” he urged.The boy had to use all his strength to uproot it. “Now,” said the instructor,“try your hand with the fourth.” The pupil put his arms around the trunk of the tall tree a


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