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Acta Agricult urae Zhej iang ensis 19( 1) :55~ 59,2007 13 1 2 2 3 刘伟明, 彦柏霖, 赵益福 , 吴列宏 1 2 3 ( , 318020; , 317500; , 310021) : , D 13 , : 3 300~ 3 600/ 2 2 2 667m ; 20~ 24 kg/667m ,20~ 25 kg/667m :; 13;; ; D :S531 :A : 1004- 1524(2007) 01- 0055- 05 Effect of planting density and rates of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers on yield and economic efficiency of sweet potato ( cv. Zheshu 13) 1 2 2 3 LIU Weiming , AN Bolin ,ZHAO ifu ,WU Liehang ( 1Taizhou Vocat ional Instit ute of Technology , Wangyan Zhej iang 3 18020 , China 2 Wenling Ag ricultural Bureau, Wenling 317500 , Zhej iang , China 3Instit ute of Crop R esearch and Nuclear Technique Utiliz ation, Zhej iang Academy of Ag ricultural Sciences , H ongzhou 310021 , China) Abstract:The test used stem planting density, N fertilizer rates, and Kfertilizer rates as experimental factors and arranged field experimental parameters by using quadratic saturation D optimum design method. Regression equations of yield and net output valuewere respectively established. The results showed that optimum experimental factors as follows: the planting 2 2 density was 3 300- 3 600 plants/667m ; topdressing rates of ureawere 20- 24 kg/ 667m ; basal manure rates of K SO 2 4 2 were 20- 25 kg/667m . Key words: sweet potato; Zheshu 13; stem planting density; fertilization technology; quadratic saturation D optimum de sign D


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