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131. Include包括; exclude不包括 134. 全句意思:药过期失效了. 135. range 范围,幅度。price range价格幅度(又如:temperature range气温变化幅度)。全句意思:有几辆汽车可以在这一价格幅度内出售。 136. at a great rate高速地。全句意思:据报道,那个地区的人口一直高速增长。 137. bring/call into being使形成,使产生。全句意思:我出生那年制定了这项新的制度。139.今年年轻人中间流行这种款式的帽子。 141. extend延伸, 全句意思:总统决定将访问延长几天。142. percentage百分比。全句意思:这种疾病婴儿死亡的百分率是多少? 143.全句意思:一个先进的国家应该是一个文明的国家, 因为这一国家的人民有更多的受教育机会。144. slow to react反应慢 145. merely副词,仅仅,只不过,全句意思:别紧张,他不过想知道真相。 146. Arose( arise的 过去式)上升; raised (raise的过去式)举起. 147. preview 预演,预映,预展 view态度,看法,见解(n.);观看(v.) 147. media是medium的复数形式. 电视是传播信息的媒介。150. urban 城市的,如:urban areas (districts)市区。 11. We can’t make any (predict) ____________ at what they are going to do. 12. I think he (justify) ______________ in refusing to help her. 13. They deal with that problem (intelligence) _____________. 14. The two parties were not in (compete) ____ with each other. 15. I’m afraid it may not be (inspire) __________ to watch. 16. Views not based on thorough (investigate) _____________ are nothing but ignorant nonsense. 17. Their efforts to improve the school education have been very (effect) _________. 18. They started off at once in search of the (miss) ____ girl. 19. What we are waiting for is the (confirm) _____ of the news. 20. The government put forward a (propose) ___________ to improve public transportation. prediction was justified intelligently competition inspiring investigation effective missing confirmation proposal 21. I didn’t see your manager at the meeting.If he (come) __________ I would have told him the the news. 22. We have been informed that the (equip) ____________ will be arriving here in two weeks. 23. It is advised that we (sign) _____________ an agreement right after the meeting. 24. I sincerely thank you for your (invite) ____________ to your birthday party. 25. That was the most (attract) ___________ program they could think of. 26. The whole room was flooded with warm, (gold) __ sunlight. 27. Her


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