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This guide is provided free of charge and is for use outside the UK only 此指南为免费提供并只适用于英国境外地区 You should read this information guide to help you decide w hich documents may be useful in supporting the statements that you have made on your visa application form. 您应阅读本指南,以帮助您决定哪些材料可有帮助您支持您在签证申请表(VAF)上的陈述。 Please note that all the specified documents must be original and in English or Welsh otherw ise you must include a certified English translation that can be independently verified by the Home Office. 请注意所有提交的文件都必须为英语或威尔士语原件,否则您必须同时提供可供内政部独立核查的英文翻译件。 支持材料指南 计点积分制第四层级(普通) You should also read the policy guidance on the GOV.UK w ebsite. 您还应阅读GOV.UK网站上的政策指南。 Information about you 个人信息 Translations: The original translation must contain confirmation of the following from the translator. 翻译:翻译件必须包括译者的如下确认: ? That it is an accurate translation of the original document 是对原始文件的准确翻译 ? The date of the translation 翻译日期 ? The translators full name and signature 译者的全名及签名 ? The translators contact details 译者的联系方式 Tuberculosis screening 肺结核检测 If you are a person from a country listed in Appendix T Part 1 making an application for entry clearance to come to the UK for more than six months, you must present, at the time of application, a valid medical certificate issued by a medical practitioner listed in Appendix T Part 2 confirming that you have undergone screening for active pulmonary tuberculosis and that this tuberculosis is not present. 如果您来自附表T第1小节中列明的国家,并且申请赴英停留超过6个月,则必须在递交签证申请时提供附表T第2小节中列明的从业医生开具的有效医疗证明,确定您进行了开放性肺结核 Sponsor – evidence if you are not applying to study English language 担保方 – 申请非英语语言课程的材料 Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) 录取确认函(CAS) Before you can apply for permission to enter or remain in the UK under Tier 4 (General), your education provider must assign a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) to you.


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