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(2007 14) 智能家居 nRF2401 * 郑君刚, ! 吴成东, ! 韩中华, ! 杨英翔 (沈阳建筑大学, 辽宁 沈阳! 110168 ) ! : nRF240 1 ( 197 3 ) , , , , , , , : ; ; nRF2401; ; : TP 273+ . 5∀TN 92! : B! : 1001553 1( 2007 ) 14 001204 Design ofW irelessNetwork Node of Smart ome Based on nRF2401 ZH EN G Jung ang, ! W U Chengdong, ! HAN Zhong hua, ! YANG Yingx iang ( Shenyang A rchi ec ural Un iversiy, Shenyang 110168, Ch ina) ! ! Abstract: T he app lica ion of w ire less ne w ork echno logy in hom e ne w o rk had becom e a s udy ho spo in he f ield o f sm ar hom e. Sm ar hom e w ire less ne w o rk m a inly inc luded hom e ga ew ay and w ire less ne w ork node. T he design o f ha rdw are and sofw are of w ireless ne w o rk node based on nR F2401 ch ip w ere m ainly s udied. T he license echnology w as pu fo rw ard, w h ich w as used o mi prove he sa fe y and an i jamm ing o f w ire less communica ion for ne w ork node. T he w ire less ne w o rk node w as es ed in communica ion and con ro l, w hich can w ork s eadily and re liab ly. Keywords: smarthome; wireless network node; nRF2401 chip; license technology; home gateway , , 0! 引! 言 , , nRF240 1 , , nRF 2401 , , ,


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