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毕 业 设 计设计题目:宁海中学教学楼投标报价文件编制 系 部: 建筑工程学院 专业名称: 工程造价 班 级:学 号:姓 名:指导教师:完成时间:年 月日摘要投标人投标时响应招标文件要求所报出的在已标价工程量清单中标明的总价。投标价格的意思是指投标人依据招标文件章程的条件完成招标项方针预算、动工、竣工和修补任何缺陷的投标报价。 投标的定义是承包者按照招标要求提出报价,争取获得承包任务的工作;投标是与招标相对应的概念,它是指投标人应招标人的邀请或投标人满足招标人最低资质要求而主动申请,按照招标的要求和条件,在规定的时间内向招标人递价,争取中标的行为。相应编制的文件就是投标报价文件。认真研究招标文件,熟悉施工图纸,按照GB50500-2008《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》等规范文件完成清单工程量复核,并按照2004版《江苏省建筑与装饰工程计价表》完成相应定额工程量计算,在报价之前,以施工方案为基础,完成工程量清单初步组价,并以此为条件估算工程成本为报价做准备。经过对该项目的特点、背景、评标办法、合同价款的支付等方面的理论分析,采用相应的报价策略,最终到达合理报价的效果。关键词:投标报价;工程量复核;成本估算;合理报价AbstractThe requirements of the tender documents quoted showing priced in bill of quantities of the total response of the tendering. The tender price means to complete the tender policy budget, construction, completion and remedying of any defects in the bidding refers to the articles of association of the bidders according to the bidding documents conditions. Tender is the definition of the contractor in accordance with the tender requirements for bid, contract task; bidding is a relative concept of bidding, it refers to the invitation of the tenderer or the bidders meet tender minimum qualification requirements and active application, in accordance with the tender requirements and conditions, within the prescribed time for delivery the price for the behavior. The corresponding file is compiling bidding documents.Seriously study the tender documents, familiar with the construction drawings, in accordance with the GB50500-2008 construction engineering BOQ Pricing norms normative documents such as complete list of engineering quantity review, and in accordance with the 2004 version of Jiangsu province construction and decoration project valuation table to complete the corresponding fixed quantity calculation, before quoting, to complete the construction scheme for the foundation, bill of quantities the preliminary group price, and as a condition to estimate the engineering cost for quotation. Through the