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230 , ( ) 计算机工程与应用
2010 46 12 Computer Engineering and Applications
陈仕军,曹 炬
CHEN Shi-jun CAO Ju
华中科技大学数学与统计学院,武汉 430074
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School of Mathematics Statistics Huazhong University of Science Technology Wuhan 430074 China
E-mail chenshijun10@
CHEN Shi-jun CAO Ju.Heuristic algorithm for rectangular cutting stock problem.Computer Engineering and Applica-
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tions 2010 46 12 230-232.
Abstract :A fast and efficient heuristic packing algorithm is presented for large-scale orthogonal packing problem.For the present
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packing position horizontal line this paper uses greedy method to choose the combination of unpacked rectangles that satisfy pack-
ing condition.According to the matching degree of packing position and its corresponding combination of rectangles it chooses op-
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timal packing position optimal horizontal line for packing.For the convenient of later packing it ranks the rectangles combination
of packing position with height before packing.Three largest-scale test instances containing 196 or 197 pieces supplied by E.Hop-
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per are computed by the algorithm of this paper the utilization ratios of all are beyond 99% the average utilization ratio and
consumed time are 99.38% and 1.12 seconds respectively.Compared with the best results that have been published in related pa-
pers it is showed the efficiency of algorithm of this paper for solving large scale rectangle packing problem.
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