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2017 44 3 868878 China A nim al H usbandry Vete r inary M e d ic ine doi cnki j HB0 80 1 VspX M y cop lasma bov is M bov is V spX QuickAntibody M ouse W BALB c SP V spX AACH D C IgGb IgG ELISA H D Western blotting D PG PG D V spX D V spX V spX V spX S A Preparation and Identification of the Monoclonal Antibodies against VspX Protein in My cop lasma bovis strain HB0801 CHEN Xi Zhu Hongmei Z HAO Gang HU Changmin CHEN Ying u GUO Aizhen y State K ey L aboratory of A g ricultural M icrobiology College of Veterinary Medicine H uaz hong A g ricultural Univ ersity Wuhan China Abstract T o obtain the monoclonal antibody M cA b against V spX protein of M y cop lasm a bov is M bov is Vsp X gene w as amplified ex pressed and purified T hen BA LB c mice w ere immu nized subcutaneously three times w ith the purified recombinant V spX rV spX mix ed w ith Quic kA ntibodyM ouse W adjuvant T hree day s af ter the last injection spleen cells w ere collected aseptically and f used w ith SP my eloma cells in the presence of poly ethylene glycol By the clone selection five stable hy bridomas against V spX protein w ere obtained separately named as A A C H and D A ntibody titers in cell supernatant w ere f rom to


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