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第48 卷 第4 期 西安建筑科技大学学报(自然科学版) Vol.48 No.4 2016 年8 月 J.Xian Univ. of Arch. Tech. (Natural Science Edition) Aug. 2016 DOI :10.15986/j.1006-7930.2016.04. 016 自然环境条件影响下的西北城市绿地生境营造途径 刘 晖,李莉华,徐鼎黄 (西安建筑科技大学建筑学院,陕西西安 710055 ) 摘要:西北地区城市化发展,在面对自然生态环境的特点和制约条件下,更需要在城市内部建立新的生态过程.而城市绿地 建设的目标和质量,是构成城市生态环境的关键.相比较于地域性生态环境贫瘠的特点,西北城市中绿化场地的规划设计与 建设过程,反而具有创建更适宜、更多样的生物栖息地的潜力.研究提出生境营造理念,即群落生态系统与场地设计相结合, 用适生群落栖息地构成多样化的城市绿地空间,探索制约条件下的改善途径,形成人工干预下的生态过程,提高西北地区城 市人居生态环境质量. 关键词:西北地区;城市绿地;绿化场地;生境营造;风景园林设计 中图分类号:TU985 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7930(2016)04-0556-06 Approach for urban green space site-habitat design and construction method based on the natural environment conditions in North-west China LIU Hui , LI Lihua , XU Dinghuang (School of Architecture, Xi′an Univ. of Arch. Tech., Xi′an 710055, China) Abstract :Cities in north-western China, while facing the feature and constraint of natural enviornment condition also the fragile ecological system, is more urgent to rebuild new ecological process in inner city area, during urbannization development. And urban green space is the important part of evolving in construction of urban ecology system. Comparing with the regional poverty ecology background and infertile land, planting site design and constuction of urban green space could develop more adaptable and diverse condition of habitat site. The research puts forward the concept of “Habitat-site construction”, that indicates urban green space site planning and design with the diverse bio-community habitat system of multi eco-function. With the chanlenge of improvement and restricted condition , this research aims to explore the possibile approach to rebuild new ecological process by intervention of human designing, construction an


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