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外币捐赠提示 根据国家外汇管理局关于外币捐赠的要求,外币捐赠人必须签署公益捐赠的相关文件和信息,否则外币捐赠将会被退回。为此,请外币捐赠人务必填写下列“捐资协议书”,并签名(必须手写)后将电子版文件发送到我会邮箱:wbjz@ccafc.org.cn 。谢谢! 境外外币捐款银行信息如下: Account name: China Charities Aid Foundation for Children Bank name:Bank of China BeiJing XiCuilu sub-branch Overseas foreign currency donation: Account number:319456027857 SWIFT CODE: BKCH CN BJ 110 Overseas RMB donation: Account number:320756027856 CNAPS number: 104100005320 Address:4F, ZhongFu Building, Zhanghua road, Haidian District, Beijing, CHINA 捐资协议书 Donation Agreement 甲方: (以下简称“甲方”) 法定代表人: 住所地: Party A: (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”) Legal Representative: Address: 乙方:中华少年儿童慈善救助基金会(以下简称“乙方”) 法定代表人:王林 住所地:北京市海淀区彰化路9号中扶国际4层 Party B: China Charities Aid Foundation for Children (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”) Legal Representative: Wang Lin Address: 4F, ZhongFu Building,ZhangHua Road,HaiDian District, BeiJing, China 为支持中华少年儿童慈善救助基金会实施慈善救助项目,帮助孤儿、流浪儿、辍学学生、失足少年儿童及有特殊困难的少年儿童,甲方自愿无偿向乙方捐资,经协商双方达成如下协议: In order to support CCAFC to implement the charity programs, to provide help to orphans with no custody or adoption, homeless children, dropouts, problem juvenile and other children with special difficulty, Party A agrees to donate money to Party B voluntarily. Both parties have reached the following agreement through consultation: 第一条 甲方自愿无偿向乙方捐赠 ,自本协议签订之日起 日内将捐款全部汇入乙方账户。乙方收到甲方赠与财产后5日内向甲方开具捐赠收据。 1. Party A agrees to donate to Party B voluntarily. From the date of signing of this agreement, Party A shall remit the donation into Party B’s bank account within days. Party B shall write out a donation receipt to Party A within 5 days after receiving the donation. 甲方承诺,甲方履行本协议的行为符合国家有关法律、法规和相关政策的规定,所捐资金来源合法。甲方保证对该捐赠资金拥有合法所有权,并且不侵犯其他人的合法权益。甲方承诺不会使乙方因接受捐赠引起任何法律纠纷、争议,否则甲方将承担因纠纷产生的全部法律和经济责任。 Party A shall agrees, to fulfill this agreement shall satisfy the provisions provided in the laws , administrative regulations an


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