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2013级高影诊断学基础期中试卷 The second semester of the school year The diagnostic foundation (midterm) (A) Propositional man: [closed, examined, 4 pages, 90 minutes] Class name 1, the choice (1 point, 100 points. A1 type questions Which of the following is wrong about the examination? A. the diagnosis is an important method of collecting the medical history. B. the examination usually begins with the main complaint C. consult the patients nonverbal communication for the purpose and order The patient should be fully consulted and then reprocessed Which of the following is a suggestive question or an inducement? A: what time did you get sick D: is your size black? Have you ever had a similar abdominal pain Which of the following is the medical history? A. social experience b. profession c. habit d. history of reproduction Which of the following is not appropriate for the statement of the chief complaint? A. patients experience the most important pain, including the most obvious symptoms or signs The main reason for this visit is the duration of the main symptom E. the doctors diagnosis of the patient Which of the following is the history of the past? A. the diagnosis and treatment of c. the history of infectious diseases c. social experience d. the causes and addictions Which of the following is the correct description of the main complaint? A. pharyngeal pain, fever B. fear of cold, fever, right chest pain, cough, loss of appetite, dizziness, anemic 3 days C. The heart palpitations after the activity, 10 days of gas, and 2 days of edema D. a year of diabetes Years of dizziness The most common cause of fever is (?) A. aseptic material necrosis absorption b. antigen - antibody response c. autonomic nervous dysfunction D. infection with e. endocrine and metabolic diseases What kind of disease occurs after a coma? A. epidemic hemorrhagic fever. C. septicemia d. epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis e. epidemic B encephalitis The characteristic of renal edema is (? A. the eyelid and fa


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