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(关节脱位、脊柱骨折) The characteristic signs of dislocation of the following joints are the right ones. A, swelling, deformity, dysfunction B, sore, swelling, and bloating C, deformity, abnormal activity, joint emptiness D, deformity, abnormal activity, elastic fixation E, deformed, flexible, and empty The preferred method of treatment for a patient with a fresh shoulder is [D] A, suspension traction B, skin traction C, bone traction D, the gimmick is fixed outside E, surgical incision is fixed The common age and commonly used treatment method for the small first half of the radial bone is [D]. A, 5 ~ 10 years old children, technique reset, triangle towel hang B, 6 ~ 8 years old children, the technique reset, the plaster exterior fixation C, 10 year olds, open reduction in fixation D, children under 5 years old, the technique reset, the triangle towel suspension E, adult, open reposition fixation Measures to treat new hip dislocation should not be chosen [E]. A, Aillis method reposition B: after the reposition, the extension of the skin is fixed to the extension. The outer booth is 3-4 weeks C, the early stage of the quadriceps muscle contraction activity and ankle function exercise D, 3 months after injury the limb cannot carry weight, lest the thigh bone ischemic necrosis E, immediate surgical incision and reposition 5, what is the dislocation of the joint 【 C 】 A, joint separation B, the joint sprain and fracture C, joint faces lose normal relations D, the joint ligament is broken The joints are deformed and flexible What is open dislocation [E] A, A broken skin and A broken skin B, a joint fracture in the joint C. The surgical probe revealed a broken joint D, the joint ligament rupture E, the joint cavity is connected to the outside world The joint that has the highest dislocation rate is [A] A, shoulder joint elbow Hip joint Knee joint E, the sacroiliac joint The characteristic signs of dislocation of the joint [E] A, pain and tenderness Abnormal activity C, the motion


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