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Lost大结局最权威最彻底解读 The most authoritative and thorough interpretation of the Lost finale Some people seem to be struggling with what Lost finally tells us: let it go and move on. Some people, not just those die-hard fish meal -- -- and there are not too concerned about the audience for the first time on Sunday night to watch Lost, look at what is Lost what about. (crazy, but they did!) I was bombed by questions about the Lost finale overwhelming, so, no matter whether you Lost players, as long as still puzzled seek to understand, this is what is the Lost is really about completely thorough reading: There was an island. The island is real and the people on the island are real. The core of the island is the light source. This light source is a wonderful place where people will be there when they die, and people who are there will be able to reconnect with the people they love. This place can be called heaven, the elysium, whatever you like. Its the most beautiful place youve ever seen. If the lights go out on the island, when people die, they cant be with loved ones. Theyre gone. This is a very bad thing. Light source on the island is so beautiful and powerful, people have been trying to possess, research and use of it, including a recent called dharma initiative of a team of scientists on the island for decades. They have never fully understood the island, because they are scientific believers, not their destinies. To ensure that the light source is not destroyed by such people, the island needs a protector. (the ancient egyptians to built a huge statue of the protector in the island, but is referred to as the black rock, a huge slave ship collision said only four toes.) We met the first protector, Jacob, a friendly but very pedantic, full compliance with the instructions, his mother took his brother Samuel (also called a black dress person) threw it into the light source. Samuel was faced with the fate of death (as his mother predicted) and became known as the black s


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