129 泌尿外科学专业实践能力(国外英文资料).doc

129 泌尿外科学专业实践能力(国外英文资料).doc

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129 泌尿外科学专业实践能力(国外英文资料)

129 泌尿外科学专业实践能力 Chapter practice main menu , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , bb A, B, C, D, and E are five alternative answers to each test. Please select one of the best answers and make a black box on the answer sheet. Men, 72, have difficulty in urinating for five years, and nearly two months have worsened their appetite. The rectal examination of the prostate was significantly enlarged by 5cm by 6cm, and the lower part of the umbilicus of the bladder was called. The blood BUN is 36mmol/L, and Cr is 340mmol/ml. B hyperphrenal fluid. Which of the following treatments is the most reasonable A. the urethral prostatectomy B. The pubic bone is a cystostatectomy C. the urethral prostatic heat therapy D. leave a catheter or a bladder puncture on the pubic bone E. take it. Receptor blockers and 5. Reductase inhibitor Show the correct answer: D Male, 30 years old, left kidney tuberculosis no function, right ureter calculi 1, diameter 1.5 cm size, right kidney water, the whole body has no uremia performance, what should be done first A. immediately the ureter cut open the stone B. Antituberculous treatment of the right ureter cut open the stone C. antituberculous treatment, waiting for the stone to discharge D. drainage of the right kidney No functional left kidney is removed The answer: B The mechanism for preventing urinary stones from drinking more water is not correct A. favorable for the removal of small stones B. lower the concentration of the stones in the urine C. promoting the formation of dissolving of stones D. reduce the deposit of crystals in urine E. helps reduce the formation of crystals in urine Show the correct answer: C The young woman was hospitalized with recurrent renal colic. Button area physical examination: kidney pain obviously, there are a lot of red blood cells in urine, ultrasound in bilateral renal multiple stones, KUB (a), discharge mild urinary tract imaging reealed bilateral kidney seeper, higher blood uric acid and urine uric acid, c


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