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PIC16F877A实现音乐播放程序(《两只老虎》片段) ; PIC16F877A to implement the music playback program ( two tigers ) ; Function description: ; The music is played by the sound of the buzzer on the driving test board. ; Remove the sound of music from the TABLE (1, 2... 7) by changing the value in the TABLE to play different music. ; Remove the audio from TABLE_YP to play music, which is the duration of the tone. ; Adjust DELAY DELAY to the speed of music. ; The purpose of this practice is to familiarize you with the idea of how a single chip can drive a buzzer. And by changing the length of the duration of the speech, the sound of different frequencies is achieved. ; Hardware connection: ; The buzzer picks up RC6. ; 2, this program USES the buzzer on the test board to make a sound, the 5th position of the dial switch 13 must be set 1, and other code switches can be turned off. ; The original provider of this example: pic16 BBS member ppmy, in which I thank ppmy for sharing this instance. ; The technology department of shenzhen city, the technology department of the technology department of shenzhen, (BBS net name: zhongruntian) is being examined and added to the process of finishing and commenting. ; PIC: PIC single-chip, : BBS: /bbs/ ; Copyright all, reproduced please indicate the origin, and cannot remove or change the explanatory text in the document. ; Program file name SONG. ASM ; The list of programs is as follows: ; * * * * * * * * * * * LIST P = PIC16F877, R = DEC # INCLUDE P16F877. INC ; * * * * * * * * * * * Errorlevel - 302-302 __CONFIG _debug_debug_off _cpd_all _cpd__________________ ________ ________________________________________________ __________________ ; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * registers CBLOCK 0 x20 JP YP L1 L2 TA: 2 COUNT1 COUNT2 W_STACK ST_STACK ENDC ; * * * * * * * * * * * ORG 0 x0000 Nop; Place an empty instruction that MCD must be GOTO MAIN; The main program ORG 0 x0004 BTFSC PIR1. The interrupt subroutine GOTO T1; Turn the T1 processing RETFI


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