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西医内科毕业考 The slow branch is divided into simple and end-rate forms; The common bacteria that cause slow branches are haemophilus influenzae, streptococcus pneumoniae, staphylococcus, and camorra. Slow diagnosis: chronic or repeated bouts of cough and expectoration, cough for more than two years, and for three months, excluding other cardiopulmonary diseases. Less than three months each year, but there is a definite objective to examine / / The source, source, and mixture of bronchial asthma; Broncho-anticonvulsant: the beta-adrenal receptor agonist, theophylline, anticholine, glucocorticoid, nonhormonal anti-inflammatory agent / / 3. The concept of critical asthma and processing: attack for more than 24 hours after general treatment can alleviate, bronchial lots of phlegm congestion, lung wheezing sound the hours or less - oxygen therapy and assisted ventilation, spasmolysis and asthma, correcting acid-base, antibiotics, glucocorticoid, treatment of complications 4. The source of bronchial asthma and asthma: the difference between high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, heart disease, white or pink bubble is phlegmy nocturnal paroxysmal dyspnea, x-rays, of the left heart aminophylline cant relieve symptoms, bronchial asthma cannot use morphine and adrenaline Mechanism of respiratory failure: insufficient ventilation, ventilation/blood ratio, dispersion, and increased oxygen consumption; Causes: bronchial and/or pulmonary diseases, nerves and muscle disorders; thoracic lesions; Type: a. Arterial blood gas: type 1 respiratory failure, due to ventilation dysfunction, lack of oxygen and co2 retention. Type ii respiratory failure, caused by ventilation dysfunction, hypoxia and retention b. according to the pathogenesis of: air permeability of respiratory failure and ventilation type of respiratory failure c. according to the pathological changes: central and peripheral; Treatment: build unobstructed airway, oxygen therapy, increase ventilation to reduce co2 retentio


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