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临床护理实践教程 Section 1 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease One, purpose requirement (1) the clinical presentation, common nursing diagnosis, and nursing care of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). (2) treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (3) to understand the assistance of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Second, practical content (1) nursing evaluation 1. The history of onset age, the urgent delay, the length of the course of the disease, the cause of the disease, have any relationship with season, clinical characteristics, the symptoms of cough, phlegm, asthma and its duration, diagnosis and treatment, including medication effect at present the performance of the presence of cardiopulmonary function is not complete, always have any history of heart and lung disease (such as high Blood pressure heart disease, coronary atherosclerosis heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma, etc.), personal history, pay attention to the occupational history, and smoking habits, smoked (quantity). Body temperature, pulse, breath, blood pressure, position; Characteristics of breathing difficulties: exhalation; Degree of anoxic: lip mucosal color; Neck: the area of the cervical vein is filling, and the trachea is displaced. Chest: sight, touch, tap, listen; Heart: apex beat location, the heart size, heart rate, rhythm, heart sounds, murmurs, special attention to the presence of xiphoid heart throb and three petal pointed area heart sounds obvious enhancement; Abdomen: whether the liver is enlarged, the return of hepatic jugular vein is positive, have no abdominal water sign; The condition of the edema of the lower extremities. Mental  social status 3. Chronic obstructive emphysema due to long duration and repeated attacks, the illness worse and worse, bring heavy mental and economic burden to patients, patients prone to anxiety, pessimism, depression and other psychological reactions, even lose confidence on t


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