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体育答案 What are the aspects of health? The textbook P5 What are the basic principles and basic methods of physical exercise? The textbook P10 ~ P13 Principle: The exercise program should be chosen appropriately The intensity of the exercise should be appropriate The exercise should be fully systematic The exercise process should be consistent The exercise warm-up should be in place The intention of exercise should be made clear Methods: A self test 2 set the target 3 plan 4 implement exercise What are the aspects of sports literacy? 1, the physique level 2, sports knowledge 3, sports consciousness 4, sports behavior, 5, sports personality 6, the physical character What are the physiological responses that are common in sports? 1, muscle aches, 2, muscle spasm, 3, sweating Dizziness, nausea, chest stuffy What are the aspects of subjective and objective examination of self-medical supervision? Self medical supervision subjective feeling: 1, the general feeling 2, sports mood 3, bad feeling 4, sleep 5, appetite 6, the amount of sweat 7, urination Objective to check: Basic pulse (morning) 2, weight 3, performance 4, heart rate 5, vital capacity, Blood pressure, electrocardiogram 7, What are the causes of motor injuries? The textbook P36 How to prevent sports injury? The textbook P37 How do you deal with common sports injuries? P38 lightning, 39 Which sports hygiene rules should be observed in sports? The textbook P19 ~ P22 Mental health 1, have a strong desire for exercise 2, have a pleasant sports atmosphere Avoid disgust Overcome shyness Eliminate low self-esteem Physical health textbook P20 ~ P22 How to prevent common sports diseases (1) motor syncope In exercise, a sudden loss of sensation due to a sudden blood supply in the brain is called motor syncope. Prevention: 1, always insist on physical exercise to improve physical fitness. Dont stand up suddenly after a long squat. Do not take part in strenuous exercise. Dont stop immediately after a quick run. Dont engage


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