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偏瘫病人的护理常识 The healing of the disease, the recovery of the body, cannot depend on the treatment of the medical staff alone. This is especially true of hemiplegia. In addition to proper and timely treatment, stroke patients care must not be a tiger! Hemiplegic patients need more care! As hemiplegia patients family relatives and friends, we should be more patients with caring, considerate, more understanding, care, love and help, let patients live in the atmosphere of warmth, joy, peace, build up my confidence in the recovery and the correct outlook on life, the positive down the road of health. The sun shines through the clouds; The breath of spring has come; The hope of tomorrow is rooted in our loving care. The world will be a wonderful tomorrow as long as everyone gives one. What about the patient who has found a sudden stroke? A stroke is paralytic, like a wind and rain, like lightning. The pathogenesis is in the bedroom, either in the bedroom, or in the work place, even in the street, the suburbs, the market, on the way, all can suddenly start a disease. What are the measures for patients who have a stroke? First, dont panic when you have a stroke. Learn some simple things to do. If a patient is found to be in a serious condition or rapidly enters a coma, the possibility of a brain hemorrhage is greater. At this time, the patient can be carried to the bed first, the head is on a low pillow, and the head side is side to side; Remove the false teeth and remove the vomit and sputum from the nose and nose in time to prevent suffocation; Unfasten the collar and keep the airways open; If there is a convulsion, you can put a small towel in your mouth to prevent the tongue from being bitten. Do not attempt to awaken the patient and shake his body and head. In the meantime, the ambulance should be contacted in time to send the patient to the hospital. In front of the escort please check station or the local doctors to patients,  measuring blood pressure, watch for pupil


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