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健康评估实验指导 Chapter one health assessment Section 1 health assessment methods The health assessment is the clinical discipline of identifying the health status of the nursing subjects and the basic theories, basic skills and thinking methods of their response. Health assessment as a function of nurses independence. The nurse must learn the various methods of health assessment, obtain the first hand information of the service object, and give the service object body and soul comprehensive nursing. Therefore, students must master the basic methods of health assessment. Through this experiment, students were asked to familiarize themselves with the importance of consultation in health assessment. To master the contents, methods and techniques of the interrogation, to make the patients data complete and logical. To establish a good relationship with the patient through consultation; Be able to master the basic methods of physical assessment. First, prepare before operation Prior to the experiment, the teacher communicated with the standardized patient to prepare the basic information for the patient. Laboratory equipment preparation: stethoscope Standardize the patients advance appointment and ask to be on time. Second, the operation step 1, by teachers and a standardized patient teaching, through teachers ask standardized patients medical history, problems for students in the interrogation process (e.g., attitudes, skills, content arrangement, etc.) and attention appointments with the students to discuss, timely correcting. Health history content includes: the general data, chief complaint, hpi, past medical history, systematic review, personal history, history of marriage, menstrual history and family history, family history, psychosocial data, etc. 2, the teacher USES a classmate to be the evaluator, the shi teaches the basic method of the evaluation of the body. The basic methods of physical assessment are: 1) depending on the clinical 2) palpation: shallow palpation,


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