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中医药大学急救护理学第四次作业 Note that if you have a lot of problems in the course of homework, you can try to find it in the editor. 2, finish one problem, easy and quick Type A question: Please select the best answer from the alternative answer What is wrong with the pathogenesis of acute carbon monoxide poisoning? , dc OHb easily disintegrate The characteristic symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning is () [1] C. the lips are cherry red A small dose of the us blue vein injection for the treatment of which poisoning [1] Nitrite poisoning In the case of acute poisoning of barbiturates, it is not advisable to take () [1 cent] E. Acidify urine to promote excretion In the case of acute intoxication of organic phosphaters, the drugs to improve the symptoms such as narrowing of the pupil, breathing difficulties, and swelling glands are () [1] C. atropine In the case of acute carbon monoxide poisoning, it is first () [1] to rectify the hypoxia in the organization as soon as possible. Quickly leave the scene When morphine acute intoxication should be selected () [1 cent] C. naloxone Acute carbon monoxide poisoning, which occurs after the recovery of the consciousness disorder, and the onset of brain disease (1) B. 2 ~ 60 days 9. Patients, women, 32, was sent for coma emergency, history, physical examination: BP90/60 MMHG, pupil size, such as needlepoint, exhale garlic smell, the whole body muscle trembling, sweating, both lungs full wet rale. Which of the following diagnoses is the most likely (1) D. Organic phosphorus pesticide poisoning The main diagnosis of carbon monoxide poisoning is () [1] A. carbon hemoglobin tests positive When organophosphate pesticides are toxic, the symptoms that cant be alleviated by atropine are () [1] C. muscle fibrillation The most vulnerable organ of carbon monoxide poisoning is () A. the brain When the patient is infected with acute poisoning, the best time to wash the stomach is after the poison (1 minute). A. 6 hours The specific damage to health caus


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