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N1护士试题 The direct source of health information is A. the patient b. the patient b. the c. the d. the [answer] B When recording the patients data, the error is A. collect the records in time Objective data should avoid the subjective judgment of nurses The subjective information nurse cant bring her own judgement D. the records of objective data use medical terms as much as possible The records of subjective data can only be written in the patients own language [answer] E It is true that the skin injection is used for allergy testing A. the upper part of the upper arm deltoid of the upper brachial deltoid. 2 C. the needle Angle of 25 ° d. dont press the e. while pulling the needle tip to the lower slope into the dermis [answer] D The amount of urine taken in regular urine A. 50ml b. 100ml c. 150ml [answer] B Women, 68, are highly inflated and extremely weak, and should not exceed the amount of urine for the first time in their urine A. 500ml b. 800 ml [answer] C The patient is 30 years old. Temperature rising up to 39 ~ 40 ℃, days, volatility does not exceed 1 ℃ for 24 hours, belong to A. its hot b. intermittent hot c. intermittent hot d. hot [answer] B The patient is 60 years old. For 3 days, the blood pressure was 140/95mmhg. The patient belongs to A. normal blood pressure b. normal c. high blood pressure D. systolic pressure is normal, diastolic pressure increases e. systolic pressure increases, diastolic blood pressure is normal [answer] C The patient is 30 years old. Temperature rising up to 39 ℃ above, but volatility is big, 24 hours fluctuate more than 1 ℃, the lowest temperature is more than normal, belong to A. remittent c. intermittent hot d. intermittent hot 【 answer 】 A The patients male, 76, was left partially paralyzed by a cerebral thrombosis. After 2 days in the hospital, the nurse found that the skin on the right side of the sacral tail was red, accompanied by swelling, heat, pain and unbroken skin. The change of the skin on the right side of the sa


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