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女性如何度过更年期 How do women survive menopause Menopause a variety of mental and physical discomfort, not only can let the life quality decreased, but also affects the health of the body, causing diseases such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis. In order to adjust the crisis of the female compatriots, the war can only be won by the comprehensive approach of nutrition, diet, constitution and psychology. Menopause a variety of mental and physical discomfort, not only can let the life quality decreased, but also affects the health of the body, causing diseases such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis. In order to adjust the crisis of the female compatriots, the war can only be won by the comprehensive approach of nutrition, diet, constitution and psychology. Balanced nutrition About 8 into women affected by the hormone secretion gradually reduce, can appear before and after menopause climacteric syndrome, hot flashes, palpitation, insomnia, anxiety, irritability, frequent urination, osteoporosis, back pain, urinary incontinence and other symptoms. To alleviate discomfort, many women choose to supplement soy isoflavones. In fact, the maintenance of health should not rely solely on a single nutrient, it is suggested to eat a balanced nutrition from natural ingredients. Menopausal women should be on the premise of a balanced diet, moderate supplement calcium, magnesium, vitamin B group, soy products, vitamins C and E, at the same time with exercise to relieve stress and promote bone health, to effectively prevent and improve the symptoms of menopause. The menopause womens diet recommends homemade calcium supplements heart meals. The heart meal emphasizes three low and one high and four less : low oil, low salt, low sugar and high fibre. Less frying, less fat, less fat, less calories, more vegetables. Women may eat more tomatoes, kiwi fruit, or black fungus. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, have auxiliary effect to improve the composition of blood fats, and has the abili


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