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失语者的复仇 The revenge of the aphasia - the post-colonial interpretation of Malay women in the wood and yellow tree Dong Qiufang Guangdong agricultural and commercial technical college William Sam saite Maugham (William Somerset Maugham, 1874-1965) is one of the most important writers in the 20th century Britain, his work is fit in the world scope, get the favour of readers in different countries, different class. He wrote dozens of novels, more than 150 short stories, 32 plays, and numerous other genres of literature. His short story writing beautiful and moving, structure are clear and complete plot ups and downs, dramatic characteristics is very bright, because these short stories in maughams was hailed as the greatest living at the time of the short story writer, critic has compared him to the English maupassant. One of the most important themes of maughams short stories is the lives of the British in the colonies abroad. Maugham traveled several times between 1916 and 1926, leaving footprints in the south Pacific islands, the Malay peninsula, Borneo and the other British colonies in the far east. He wrote the wood and yellow trees according to the people and things he knew during his travels, and was published in September 1926. This includes six short maughams short story collections: before dinner, iron line shipping company, the compound branch, the power of the environment, and timid and letter . These novels mainly describe the experience of the British in the far east, especially in the context of malaya and Borneo (the island of kalimantan). The critic Cyril Connolly listed the collection of short stories as one of the modern movements (1880-1950). And novelist Hartley (L.P. Hartley) think it is a nearly perfect work, it has strong narrative ability and unique drama, profoundly revealed the characters inner motives meaner side, and thorough analysis. [1] P213 this article mainly from the perspective of post-colonial theories to analyze the works in the UK,


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