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牙体牙髓病学(A1型题) Dentistry of dentistry (A1). TXT knows the easy to let go, the people who forget to find the freedom, the caring people find happiness! A womans cleverness is to appreciate a mans cleverness. Life is a lamp, the job is oil, if want the lamp to be bright, need to refueling! When you fall in love, you feel grounded in the sky because of your attachment. After the breakup, sitting at home feels weightless, because there is no direction. Dental pulp (A1) The disease can be called an infectious disease of teeth. A and virus B, bacteria, C, fungi, D, mycoplasma E, chlamydia The caries can be broken into: A, acute caries, chronic caries, stationary caries B, shallow caries, caries, deep caries C, groove caries, smooth surface caries D, enamel caries, dental caries and dental caries E, dry caries, wet caries The definition of caries is: A, the teeth are influenced by A variety of factors, A kind of chronic progressive destructive disease that occurs in the tissue B) a disease of the acute severity of the teeth under the combination of various biological factors C) a disease of chronic progressive destruction caused by the hard tissues of the teeth, influenced by a variety of factors that are primarily bacterial D, in the influence of various internal factors, a disease of chronic progressive destruction occurs in the hard tissues of teeth E, in the case of bacteria, a disease that causes chronic, progressive destruction of teeth The width of the posterior conodonts is usually the tip of the buccal tip: A, A quarter to A third B, 1/3 to 1/2 C, 1/5 to 1/4 D, 1/2 to 2/3 E, 2/3 to 3/4 The clinical manifestations of middle caries are: There is no obvious reaction to the physical and chemical stimulation of the outside world B, cavities form, the sour and sweet heat stimulate the pain, the symptom immediately disappears after the stimulus is removed C, cavity formation, cold and heat stimulate pain, spontaneous pain D, cavity formation, cold and heat stimulus, radiat


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