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搏击会经典台词 Do you know why there is an oxygen mask on board? Lets breathe Because the oxygen exciting, emergency people can breathe heavily, the oxygen absorption will have peace, will face the reality, an emergency water landing, 600 miles per hour, passengers each pale, The same amount of gasoline and frozen orange juice can be made into napalm, you know? Is that true? Really, you can make a bomb from a little thing in your house, if you want to Got it? Got it. Smart. What good is that for you? This is very good Keep it up My suitcase vibrates? yes But the bombs will be there Modern bombs are silent This is mostly an electric razor, but there is another possibility. Electric massage stick My home is a 15 of the small apartment, a cement wall all around, neighbor can stop the noise, but the most important thing is that can prevent the furniture when a volcano erupts magma into apartment out, burn off I just called and I didnt answer the phone Thats right. I never answer the phone. I just call back The house had been blown up, and in case the woman had been cut by the woman, and she had been left in the car, Come on, give me a punch in the face Why is that? Come on, Ive never done it Is that bad? How do you know yourself without a fight I wish I were covered in scars I think the people who go to the gym are so sad, the goal of Kevin clays standards, is that what a man should look like? Ha! Ha! Self-growth requires self-destruction Do we have to know the duck down? Do we have to weigh it? Not at all. What are you and me? Were consumers, and were all thinking about things. I dont care about murder and poverty. I only care about celebrity magazines, about 500 channels of television, and whose name is on my underwear. Hair agent, will steel, diet pills. (pointing a gun at a random passer-by.) What do you want to do? The vet Six weeks later, if you havent been a vet, Ill kill you What will you do tonight? Make soap, You need to extract the fat before you make soap. The amo



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