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Singer 资环1501 吴春童 34 A Japanese Anime Singer His name is Wada Kouji. The Introduction of the singer 和田光司(1974年01月29日-2016年4月3日),出生于日本京都府福知山市, 日本歌手。和田光司最为乐迷所知的歌曲是1999年为动画《数码宝贝》献唱的主题曲《Butter-fly》。1999年4月,和田光司在富士电视台系动画《数码宝贝大冒险》中演唱主题歌,成功完成了首次亮相。 Wata Koji (April 3rd 01 1974 29 August -2016), was born in Kyoto Fukuchiyama, Japanese singer. Wata Koji most fans know song is 1999 for the animation digital treasure to sing the theme song Butter-fly. In April 1999, Wata Koji Fuji television animation Digimon adventure in singing the theme song, the successful completion of the debut. life stories 人物生平 Seed of music 音乐的种子 He is not a musical family background, high school also had no musical training, but because after hearing a friend playing the guitar, he was dumped, also moved the desire for music. 他并不是音乐世家出身,高中时也没有受过音乐训练,但因为听到了朋友演奏的吉他之后,深深为之倾倒,也动了自己做音乐的念头。 High school graduation,he decided to be a singer to sing his own life to explore the sentiment, he will go to tokyo. 高中毕业,他决定要做一名唱出自己探索人生的感悟的歌手,他要去东京。 Travel alone in Tokyo 独闯东京 Hotan in Tokyo is alone,he is sick of this kind of life, homesickness under the move and he wanted to go home. At this time, his father who had said that he could go home at any time,said to him on the phone, So you give up? And try again! And he was deeply moved, never give up. Looking back, he said it was a sentence to decide his fate. If it were not for his father, there would have been no singing today. 和田在东京只身一人举目无亲,他对这种生活厌烦了,思乡病之下动了回家的念头。这时候,曾经说过随时可以回家的父亲却在电话里对他说,「这样就放弃了吗?再努力一下吧!」和田深受感动,从此再不言放弃。回想时,他说这是决定他人生命运的一句话。如果不是他父亲,就没有今天这个唱歌的和田了。 Looking for direction 寻找方向 After that, Wata Koji look for music this way.After another failure, one day, the God of destiny opened his eyes.He repeatedly met with the director of consultation, and finally took out his debut Butterfly after repeated changes.The CD in the next year (1999) recorded was on sale and OP as design page of the Digimon adventure on March 17 in the TV broadcast. After that, he


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