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30 3 Vol. 30 N o. 3 2010 6 JOURNAL OF SOUTHWE ST FORESTRY UN IVERSITY Jun. 2010 吴小青, 弓 弼, 王大芳, 曲良艳 (, 712100) : 在探讨国内外汽车露营地规划现状与区别, 对现有 同地形营地案例进行分析的基础上, 归 纳出汽车露营地场地规划主要有均匀发展型辐射型主轴线型 3种布局模式; 根据单 个营位停车 数量的多少和营位的布置组合方式, 提出单车位型多车位型过渡型和混合型 种露营区营位的 设计方式 : 汽车营地; 露营; 规划设计 : S731. 9; TU986. 52 : A : 1003- 7179( 2010) 03- 0072- 05 Introduction to the Planning and Application of Automobile Campground WU X iaoq ing, GONG B,i WANG Dafang, QU L iangyan ( College ofH orticulture, Northw estA F University, Yangling Shaanx i712100, China) Abs tract: Based on analyzing the various automobile campground cases in the world, th is paper briefly dis cussed the difference in the planning situation betw een foreign and domestic automob ile campground, and summa rized that therew eremainly three typicalmodels of automobile campgrounds in the light of the topograph ic and ter rain cond itions, .i e. , even developm entmodel, rad ial p lanningmodels and the exial plann ingmode.l Four design styles of campsites such as singlemodels, mu ltiple models, transition models and m ixed modelsw ere proposed ac cord ing to the number of parking p laces in one campsite and the parking lot d isposition. K ey words: automobile campground; camp ing; plann ing and design , 1 , , , , [ 2] , , 6 000, [ 1] [ 3] , , , ,


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