Unit 9上海maglev train.ppt

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生词 maglev 磁力悬浮火车(的) maglev line (例子Shanghai Maglev Train) commercial 商业的;商用的 public 公共的;公众的 service 服务 German 德国的;德国人的 technology 技术;工艺 operate 操作;运转 (operation) airport 机场 project 计划;工程 complete 完成 journey 旅行;旅程 Shanghai?Maglev?Train 上海磁浮示范运营线 背景信息 transportation 运输: maglev Train 磁浮列车 track 磁轨 the first, commercial商用 High-speed 高速的 Maximum speed 最高时速 development (发展) operator(s) (运营商) Construction 建设 public service 公共服务 = put into operation 正式开通 comes?out?of?the?Pudong International?Airport? 从浦东国际机场驶出 Shanghai Maglev Train Shanghai Maglev Train (Shanghai Maglev Demonstration Line) is the first commercial maglev line in the world. Construction began in March, 2001, and public service 公共服务started on Jan.1st, 2004 It was made with 用...制造German technology. The line is operated by 由...运营Shanghai Maglev Transportation Development Co., Ltd. The train can reach达到 350 km/h in 2 minutes, with a maximum speed in normal operation of 431 km/h. This project took花费 10 billion yuan and 2.5 years to complete完成 30.5 km track. The line (runs from Longyang Road Station on the Shanghai Subway Line 2 to从...延伸到) Pudong International Airport, journey. The train takes花 7 minutes and 20 seconds to complete the the journey. Shanghai Maglev Train (line) : The first commercial high-speed maglev line in the world 世界上第一条商业的高速磁浮线路 Construction 2. began in March, 2001 6 . cost 花费10 billion yuan 6. take 花费 2.5 years Public service put into operation 3. started on Jan.1st, 2004 Operator(s) 4. operated by Shanghai Maglev Transportation DevelopmentCo., Ltd. technology Made with German technology ? Shanghai Maglev Train detailed information 详细信息 Speed 5. Maximum speed: 431 km/h reach 350 km/h in two minutes runs from 7. from Longyang Road station to Pudong International Airport complete the journey 全程30.5 km 8. take 7 mins, 20 s ? 翻译 1.上海磁浮列车是世界上第一条商用的高速磁浮列车。 2.在2001年3月开始建设它。 3. 它采用德国技术制造。 4.该线路由上海磁浮交通发展有限公司运


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