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24 3 Vol. 24 No. 3 2003 3 - . 2003 MINI MICRO SY ST EMS Mar 万麟瑞 胡 宏 孙红星 ( , 210016) : 文章以集成供应链管理软件的研究开发为背景, 从中抽象出面向构件的软件开发的一般过 、原理和方法. 首 先提出构件化软件开发的过 模型, 阐述与过 相适应的阶段和内容划分思想以及建模机制; 进而阐述领域工 及需 求分析方法, 重点探讨构架和构件设计思想及多种建模方法的综合应用, 给出基于软件体系结构风格和形式描述的构 架模型和构件模型; 最后给出构架与构件实现的典型案例. 所提出的过 论和方法论具有 一定的理论系统性和工 实 践基础. : ; ; ; ; ; : T P311: A : 1000-1220( 2003) 03-0365-06 Researches on Component Oriented Software Development Methodology WAN Lin-rui, HU Hong, SUN Hong- ing ( D ep artment of Comp ute r Sc ience and T echnol ogy , N anj ing Univ er si ty of A eronaut ics and A st ronaut ics , N anj i ng 210016, Chi na) : , Abstract We abstracted the general process principle and method of component oriented softw are development based on researches and developments of ISCM ( Integrated Supply Chain M anagement) . First, a process model of component , softw are development is put forw ard and partit ion ideas of phases and contends fit in with process and modeling mech- anism are e pounded; second, domain engineering and requirements analy sis method are m entioned, and t he design idea of architecture and component w ith comprehensive application of various modeling methods is mainly discussed, w hat s more the architecture m odel and component model based on softw are architectural style and form al descript ion are given; in t he end, the t ypical inst ance im plements of architecture and component are provided. The process theory and methodology are theoretical and sy stematic and of engineering practicing basis. : ; ; ;


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