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38  6          Vo l.38 N o.6   2 0 0 6 6 JOURNAL OF HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY   Jun. 2006        1, 2 2 2 宋政吉 , 耿殿伍 , 姜兴渭 (1. , 15000 1, E-m i:l ; 2. , 150001)  :为实现着月末段的自主障碍物识别, 提高月球自主软着陆精确度和安全性, 提出了 一种 于高程图 数据的危险区扫描识别方法. 通过计算扫描区域的粗糙度和坡度来判别地貌、识别危险区, 然后扫描计算每 一选定区域的粗糙度值、坡度值和相对目标着陆点的距离等因素来加权生成该点着陆成本图, 最后根据成本 图优选着陆点. 仿真计算结果表明, 该方法能够快速识别最优着陆点, 比 Andrew Johnson 方法更能减少识别 计算复杂度. :危险区识别;高程图;软着陆;月球 :V448.233;V476.3 :A :0367 - 6234(2006)06 - 0946 - 04 H azard detection m ethod for lunar sof-t landing based on elevation m ap 1, 2 2 2 SONG Zheng-ji , GENG D i n-wu , JIANG X ing-wei (1. Dep.t of Aerosp ce Engineering, H rbin Engineering University, H rbin 150001, Ch in ; 2. School of A stron u tics, H rb in Institute of Technology, H rb in 150001, Chin ) Ab stract:In order to sof-t l nd on themoon more s fely nd precisely, method for detecting nd recognizing the h z rds b sed on the Elev tionM p (DM ) in the l st descending ph se is proposed. The method recogn-i zes the terr in h z rds by c lcu l ting the roughness nd surf ce slope for e ch sc nn ing grid, nd thenw eights the v lue of the roughness, surf ce slope nd the horizon t lm neuvering dist nce to combine the costm p for the whole sc nning re , fin lly selects the s fe l nding point by se rching the cost m p. The smi ul ting re- su lts, wh ich come from the lun r surf ce gener ting nd recognizing progr m, show the method c n select the optimum l nding point. And ccording to the comp rison w ith Andrew Johnson smethod, it is smi p ler. K ey w ord s:h z rd detection;elev tion m p;sof-t l nding;moon   



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