代词和名词的复习课件(PPT 25页).ppt

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代词和名词的复习课件(PPT 25页)

* 天马行空官方博客:/tmxk_docin ;QQ:1318241189 名词 词义辨析 名词的单复数 名词所有格 名词前的冠词 主谓一致 名词做定语 天马行空官方博客:/tmxk_docin ;QQ:1318241189 1.夏天去游泳多么有趣。 2 你能否就如何学好英语给我一些忠告呢? 3 请收集尽可能多的有关奥运的信息。 4 你认为电脑是一件办公设备还是一件家具? What fun it is to go swimming in summer. Would you please give me some advice on how to learn English well. Please collect as much information about the Olympic Games as possible. Do you think a computer is a piece of office equipment or a piece of furniture?. 名词的单复数 二十条牛 两位过客 三个女歌星 四个成年人 他的女婿们 twenty head of cattle two passers-by three women singers four grown-ups his sons-in-law Pay attention to the following phrases: keep(break) one’s word leave word in a word in other words have words with sb. have a few words(a word) with sb. 守(失)信 留言 简言之 换句话说 与某人吵嘴 与某人说几句话 Word came that the meeting will be held on Friday. **传来消息会议于星期五召开。 ** He left _____with my secretary that he would call again in the afternoon. He said he would keep his _______. A.words; his words B.word; word C. words; word D.the word; his word B 抽象名词的具体化——英语中有一类名词通常不可数,但当赋予它们具体含义后,可以用作可数名词。例如: honor 光荣——an honor带来荣誉的人或事物 pity遗憾——a pity一件让人觉得可惜的事 surprise——a surprise一件让人吃惊的事   还有success / pleasure / worry / danger 等。 名词前的冠词 例(`96)Many people agree that __ knowledge of English is a must in __ international trade. A. a ; / B. the; an C. the; the D. /; the A (02) One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain ___good knowledge of basic word formation. A. / B. the C. a D. one C 名词所有格 例: (NMET 2001春) If this dictionary is not yours, ______ can it be?  A、what else   B、who else    C、which else’s  D、who else’s       D 解析:本题考查所有格问题。首先明确“这部字典不是你的”,那么它一定是别人(who else)的,根据前后句一致原则,前面用了“你的字典”,后面也应该用who else’s。所以答案应该是D (`83) Miss Smith is a friend of _____. Mary’s mother B. Mary’s mother’s C.Mother’s of Mary D. Mary mother’s B 双重所有格:当限定词(this)与所有格名词(Li Ming’s)、或名词性物主代词( yours )修饰同一名词时, 就用双重所有格。例如: 我爸爸的那些朋友 黎明的几个朋友 你的那本书 我的一个老朋友 those friends of my father’s a few friends of


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