任务型语言学习的通识培训课件(PPT 37页).ppt

任务型语言学习的通识培训课件(PPT 37页).ppt

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任务型语言学习的通识培训课件(PPT 37页)

Task-based language learning Focuses on the construction, sequencing, and evaluation of particular goal-related action complexes that learners carry out. (Prabhu’s model 1987) 1. 任务是有非常明确目的的活动 A piece of work or an activity, usually with a specific objective, undertaken as part of an educational course, at work, or used to elicit data for research. ( Crookes, 1986) Tasks are activities which have meaning as their primary focus. 2. 任务与人们日常生活的语言活动相似 tasks are generally bear some resemblance to real-life language use. 3 任务是学习者理解,运用所学语言进行交流的课堂活动 The communicative task is a piece of classroom work which involves learners in comprehending, manipulating, producing or interacting in the target language while their attention is focused on mobilizing their grammatical knowledge in order to convey meaning rather than to manipulate form. David Nunan (1989) 4。 任务应该有一个成果 A task should have a non-linguistic outcome. Success in the task is evaluated in terms of achievement of an outcome. 任务就是人们在日常生活、工作、娱乐活动中所从事的各种各样有目的的活动。所谓任务型语言教学,其核心思想就是要模拟人们在社会、学校生活中人们运用语言所从事的各类活动,把语言教学与学习者在今后的日常生活中的语言应用结合起来。任务型语言教学把人们在社会生活中所做的事情细分为若干非常具体的“任务”,并把培养学生具备完成这些任务的能力作为教学目标。 What are tasks? 意义的表达是第一位的(meaning is primary) 需要解决交际中的问题(there is some communication problem to solve) 与实际生活的活动相似(there is some sort of relationship to comparable real-world activities) 最受关注的是完成任务(task completion has some priority) 任务的评价取决于结果(the assessment of the task is in terms of outcome) What are not tasks? 1不让学习者只是鹦鹉学舌(do not give other people’s meaning to regurgitate) 2不是为了显示语言的技能(are not concerned with language display) 3不是墨守成规与人雷同的(are not conformity- oriented) 4不是为了做机械性的操练(are not practice- oriented) 5不是为了学习某些句型结构硬把语言安排到材料之 中(do not embed language into materials so that specific structures can be focused upon) Criteria features of a task (Ellis, 2003:9) A task is a work plan – a plan for learner activity. A task involves


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